Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Some squares laid out:

I think baby Katherine approves!

Katie taught me how to crochet! I don't know if there's something wrong with me but I definitely needed someone to connect the dots. I read a million crochet tutorials and it just wasn't making sense to me. Things just clicked when I had someone there being like, "No crazy, go AROUND the stitch." Of course, Katie never called me crazy but she would have been justified!

Long time, no blog!

I had a pretty rock and roll summer so... the blogging thing went to the back burner. The new show has opened and the weather is cooling so I am looking forward to a slower fall. My lovely friend Katie introduced me to this site. The idea of not working in a cube is just so.... DREAMY! I am trying to distance myself from the idea of happiness=things. But goodness it's hard!!!

I also stumbled across these videos:

So dated and campy! Sign me up for possum living!